I Rest

I rest in your promises Savior divine
Because of your mercy they all can be mine
I rest in your promises Jesus my Lord
You show them all to us throughout your word

I rest in your peace it calms every storm
I rest in your joy which bubbles and warms
I rest in your hope that never will die
I rest in your love forever it’s mine

I rest in your healing for every disease
I rest in deliverance that you bring to me
I rest in your cleansing from every sin
I rest in your Spirit that dwells within

There’s no need to worry
There’s no need to doubt
When I have a conflict
You’ll carry me out
And when indecision
Has darkened my way
You’ll speak to my heart
And guide me each day

I’ll rest in your mercy abundant and free
I’ll rest in the mercy that you give to me
I’ll rest in your grace amazing and grand
I’ll rest in the grace that helps me to stand

And when I am weary and day is done
I’ll look to the west and the setting sun
I’ll know that you’re with me throughout the night
I’ll quietly rest in you

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