Hold Me, Jesus

Hold me Jesus
Hold me close
In your loving arms
Keep me safe
From any danger
Keep me from all harm

Touch me Jesus
Touch me now
Heal me from this pain
Make me whole
In mind and body
Give me health again

You are such a merciful Savior
Always doing good for me
I can trust that all that happens
Is ordained so I can be
All that you would have me be.

Teach me Jesus
Teach me truth
From your Holy Word
Give me wisdom
Give me knowledge
So your truth I can discern

Guide me Jesus
Guide me now
On the proper path
Let me know
If I should wander
Bring me home at last

You are such a loving Savior
Always doing for my good
I can trust each day you give me
Will bring me right where it should

Glory be to you, sweet Jesus
Praise your mighty, holy name
I will worship you forever
Holy, Holy is your name
Holy, Holy is your name

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