500 Followers – Thank you

From the bottom of my heart and the depths of my spirit, I thank you.  Thank you for reading, for commenting, for your encouragement, for your commitment.  You are all a blessing to me.

The words posted on this blog are not my own, they are God’s.  He pours them through this vessel onto this page.  They are given for you, His church. They are given to encourage, to uplift, to praise and worship.  I have long not understood why He uses me for these words, except for the fact that I have learned to listen.

Most of these poems and songs start with either one line or one verse when I start writing, and within 15 minutes most of them are complete.  Once my fingers go to the keyboard, the words flow like a river from the throne of God.  The enter my Spirit by His voice.  I just copy them down and post them.

So again, I thank you.  This is a labor of love between God and me.  It is a labor of love for you.

Be blessed!

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